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Chart Import

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Chart Import

This page contains instructions related to chart import.

Use F2 to import charts of all supported formats. Supported chart formats include .xml, .dyn, .dy, and .osu.


All chart import operations are irreversible, so please back up your project as needed before confirming the operation and saving.

Merging Charts

You can use this feature to merge multiple charts without worrying about different BPM settings.

Even though we recommend that all charts have the same BPM settings before merging - as this makes it easier to edit again after merging.

About Dynamaker-modified

DyNode offers full support for importing Dynamaker-modified chart formats.

About Early Versions of Dynamaker Charts

DyNode currently cannot directly read early versions of Dynamaker chart formats.

If you encounter a related warning, try importing the chart into the latest version of Dynamaker-modifiedopen in new window and then re-export it for use in DyNode.

Importing .xml/.dy Charts When Creating a New Project

In addition to using F2 to import .xml/.dy charts, you can also choose to import a chart file when creating a new project.

When using this option, the imported chart information will override other information filled in when creating a new project.

If importing a .dy chart, there is no need to fill in the music file option.

About the .dy Chart Format

The .dy chart format stores related files (music, background files, etc.) in Base64 format.

Importing .osu Charts

You can use F2 to import .osu charts.

The import mode supports the basic four modes included in osu!, with special adaptation for osu!mania. This means you can use DyNode to directly convert osu!mania charts. Imported information can include all Timing Points, but will not include the chart's metadata (title, music, etc.).

DyNode currently does not support importing .osz files, as an .osz contains multiple chart difficulties. You can unzip the .osz file (an .osz is a compressed file) and then import the .osu files it contains.